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Advanced Adult Leadership Training for the new Millenium










Scouting promises every youth that they can be involved in a program that is both exciting and physically challenging, and that they can learn and grow to be a leader, to shape their own future, and to help others shape their futures. Scouts are tomorrow's citizens and leaders. We, as adult Scouters, must "Deliver the Promise."  It takes time, effort, discipline, patience and love. Wood Badge training follows the guide developed by the BSA to insure the highest quality training conducted by a fully trained and skilled staff selected for their abilities to deliver top notch instruction and inspiration. Now is the time for those who have not experienced Wood Badge to make the decision to experience what this training has to offer.

When & Where:    The course will be conducted at Camp George Thomas, near Apache, Oklahoma. The dates will be as follows:
The first weekend will be April 2nd thru the 4th 2004. The second weekend will be Arpil 23rd thru the 25th 2004.

Qualifications to Attend Wood Badge:  To enroll you must currently be a registered Scout Leader (Cub Scout, Boy Scout, Varsity or Venturing) and have attended some pre-course training events.   Please check the Qualifications to see if you need or already have the needed training.

Cost:  The fee for the Weekend Wood Badge course, will be $185.00, which includes all course materials, meals and Wood Badge tee shirt. Fee's are due by Feb. 15, 2004. A $50.00 deposit is required to place your name on the list for this wonderful opportunity. Fee is not refundable after March 1,2004. Scholarships are an option if applied for on a timely basis.  All staff members have this information.

Medical Information:  A current Class III Health Form is required for all staff and participants.  If you have a current health form from any of the high adventure bases (Sea Base, Northern Tier or Philmont), you may use that form. The Class III Health Form can be downloaded from the Registration Forms page.

Additional Information on SR-535:   Contact Gary Woodrow at or call him at: 1-800-657-9054. Additionally, you may contact any staff member listed on the staff page.